D-Day, June 6, 1944. What Americans heard back home.

In the very early hours of June 6, 1944, radios across America came to life with the news everyone had been anticipating. First came the rumors, and then, a little after 3:30 am Eastern Time was confirmation: The invasion of Europe had begun. One widely listened-to-broadcast was from the NBC Studios in New York by Robert St. John, the legendary journalist and also our long-time friend.  We are honored on the 80th Anniversary to share the beginning of his D-Day Broadcast that day.

St. John told his entire story in an extraordinary memoir, A Hundred Years, A Thousand Faces: The Memoir of A Century that will finally be published in 2024, more than twenty years after his passing.

“This is the European Front. Once again being established in fire and blood.” — Robert St. John