
D-Day, June 6, 1944. What Americans heard back home.

In the very early hours of June 6, 1944, radios across America came to life with the news everyone had been anticipating. First came the rumors, and then, a little after 3:30 am Eastern Time was confirmation: The invasion of Europe had begun. One widely listened-to-broadcast was from the NBC Studios in New York by Robert St. John, the legendary journalist and also our long-time friend.  We are honored on the 80th Anniversary to share the beginning of his D-Day Broadcast that day.

St. John told his entire story in an extraordinary memoir, A Hundred Years, A Thousand Faces: The Memoir of A Century that will finally be published in 2024, more than twenty years after his passing.

“This is the European Front. Once again being established in fire and blood.” — Robert St. John

Janice Rothschild Blumberg dies at 100

Janice Rothschild Blumberg, a prominent figure in the Atlanta Jewish community has died. In 2022 we published her memoir, What’s Next and it was one of the most pleasant publishing experiences all of us have had. There are many tributes that have been published. Find one of our favorites here.

60th Anniversary of Ernie Davis’ Death

Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express

May 18, 2023.

Ernie Davis’ story is one of triumph and tragedy. Reintroduced to the nation in in the 1983 edition of Ernie Davis, the Elmira Express: The Story of a Heisman Trophy Winner. Robert Gallagher interviewed most of the principals in Ernie’s life and it remains the definitive account of his story. Published in various formats, the latest is the Anniversary edition which was published in tandem with Universal Picture’s 2008 film, “The Express”—based on our book.

Since then, ESPN ranked Ernie Davis’ winning of the Heisman Trophy as their most inspiring story in the first 150-years history of college football.

Davis’ death at only 23 shocked the nation in 1963 as evidenced by this short excerpt from Ernie Davis, The Elmira Express:

“The eulogies arrived from throughout the country. Ernie had touched people at every level and in every section of the nation. The themes were similar, Ernie Davis was courageous, a gentleman, and an inspiration to everyone. Among those shocked by the news were members of Ernie’s family. His aunt Angeline McLee of Uniontown, Pennsylvania told the Associated Press the family wasn’t aware that Ernie was near death. ‘We didn’t know at all,’ she said. ‘We were shocked. His mother didn’t know but she thought I would have known. Ernie always confided in me. I was like a sister to him.’ Art Modell said, ‘It will be a long time before we see a boy like Ernie Davis again. He was a great athlete, but more important, he was a great person. He is the finest boy I have ever met in my life.’ He announced that the Browns had retired Ernie’s number 45, although he had only worn it in practice. On hearing of Ernie’s death, Syracuse University Chancellor William P. Tolley stated, ‘Ernie was as fine a man as he was an athlete—whether in the classroom, the dormitory or the playing field. He exemplified the highest standards of industry, integrity, responsibility and fidelity to duty.’ Jim Brown said, ‘Ernie’s death came as a complete shock to me. He was just the same right up until he went in the hospital.’ His physician, Dr. Weisberger said, ‘Ernie was a most impressive person. He was a real gentleman in all senses of the word. He had great courage and dignity. You couldn’t help but admire him’” (163-164).

Marcel Marceau’s 100th Birthday

It’s been noted that today is the 100th Birthday of Marcel Marceau.

First issued by Caedmon Records in 1971, this conversation on mime, recorded by Marcel Marceau and the American writer William Fifield, is an in-depth look at Marceau’s art.

In this recording Marcel Marceau traces the history of mime and discusses his own role in its renewed popularity. Calling mime the art of “making the invisible visible,” he shares how he developed his signature character, Bip, and began performing all around the world, a tour de force career that has lasted for more than 50 years. He speaks with eloquence about the purpose of his art, which, he says, is to show how life is. And branching off to his interests and experiences off the stage, he talks about his paintings, his belief in the universality of man, and his life during World War II, when he took part in the French Resistance and also had to hide from the Gestapo because his father was Jewish.

Sixty Years Ago Ernie Davis wins the Heisman Trophy

Sixty years ago, December 6, 1961, Ernie Davis became the first African American the win the Heisman Trophy, symbolic of the best college football player in the nation. His inspirational story is told in Ernie Davis, The Elmira Express, the basis of the film, The Express

Read more about the anniversary in today’s news here

Jacques Haeringer to appear on Newt’s podcast

Jacques Haeringer, noted chef and proprietor of Auberge Chez Francois is scheduled to appear on the Newt Gingrich podcast, “Newt’s World” on Sunday, November 21, 2021. The popular restaurant, founded by Jacques father, Francois, has long been a favorite destination for anybody who’s anybody in the Washington DC area. Jacques’ two cookbooks, The Chez Francois Cookbook and Two for Tonight are available wherever books are sold.

Listen to Jacques here:

Floyd Little

Word has come that Floyd Little, three-time All American running back at Syracuse University, who went on to a Hall of Fame career with the Denver Broncos, has died. He was 78. The third of the legendary backs who wore  #44 at Syracuse, behind Jim Brown and Ernie Davis, he will be remembered not only for athletic exploits but also for his impact on everybody he came in contact with.

I came to know him as an acquaintance when he wrote the Introduction to our book, Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express, the Story of  Heisman Trophy Winner. We called it a Remembrance. Later, in his own books, he expanded on his feelings for Davis, who was influential in recruiting him to Syracuse.

In 2007, I encountered him at an SU Sports night in Bethesda, Maryland and told him that Universal Studios had just optioned the rights to our book. I don’t think either of us thought that the film would actually get made.  At the premiere, we reminisced  about that night when first I told him. I know he also sought out the author, Robert Gallagher to congratulate him.

In the movie, Little is played by Chadwick Boseman, in the late actor’s debut role.

Floyd Little was the definition of a  class act.

The Ernie Davis story tops ESPN’s most inspiring college football moments.

The top 10 most inspiring college football moments

In celebration of college football’s 150th anniversary, ESPN’s SportsCenter lists the top 10 most inspiring moments in the sport’s history. Number one? The story of Ernie Davis.
Watch a Top 10 summary HERE

For the full inspirational story of Ernie Davis, check out Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express, the Story of  Heisman Trophy Winner. The basis for the Universal Pictures file, The Express, it is available in a special Hardcover Anniversary Edition


Remembering Ike

October 14th marks the birthday of Dwight David Eisenhower, our 34th President and also one of our country’s most important generals.

In 1990, the 100th anniversary of his birth, a symposium took place at Gettysburg College involving many people who knew him best. After he left office in 1960, Eisenhower retired to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 

The result was a book, The Eisenhower Legacy. Discussions of Presidential Leadership, edited by Shirley Anne Warshaw. The meeting — and the book reveals many little known aspects of Eisenhower and his legacy. The book detailed the most important moments of the event.  

View more information here

Remembering Elisabeth Roberts Craft

In an age where hyperbole seems to be the rule, Elisabeth Roberts Craft’s life’s story was one of many accomplishments combined with an unrivaled passion for learning. Craft began as a court reporter and was known for her unmatched speed and accuracy, affording her a chance to travel extensively. After retiring in 1982, Craft continued to travel, seek volunteer opportunities and be an active member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). She closely watched archaeological developments around the world and regularly joined site excavations.

More about the author,
Elisabeth Roberts Craft

She began writing about the ancient worlds she explored. Her first novel, A Spy for Hannibal, is set in the beginning of the second Punic War and the crossing of the Alps by Hannibal and his army. In the Court of the Queen, takes place at the time of Hammurabi, the famous law-giver, illuminates lessons about the politics of survival, the power of the gods, and the importance of friendship. The Ambassador’s Daughter, is a novel of Ancient Mesopotamia centered on the perils of a rising princess. In her final novel, I Hope I Haunt You Eternally, she delivers a story closer to her heart and nearer to our own time and . It is a most unusual tale, depicting the stunning tenacity of a deep and true love, even against the bleakest odds., showcases the published works of this extraordinary women. Although she is no longer with us, her books encapsulate her passion and gifts as a storyteller, rekindling her legacy for new generations of readers.